
When you're old, no one cares!

Something sad was said mistakenly tonight
Brian told me that he should start blogging...
(Yes the same brother that wouldn't talk to me for a day because I blogged)
Because when he is older he wants other people to know his stories.
That wasn't the sad part...
It came when I said...

"Yeah 'cause when you are old,
no one cares!"

I just noticed. My birthday is next month.
It's almost official,
I will now be one of the oldest single ladies in Provo.

Oh the bubble in which I live.

I'm Old.
And apparently (according to my genius) no one cares.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, you are still not one of the oldest single ladies in Provo. Rest assure I will always be here to make you feel young. I'm 26! :)
