

First: I truly hate when my elbow is touched by someone else. Strange, but it is not pleasant at all!
Second: Tonight while taking my version of Paparazzi photos (photobooth on the mac) this happened.... 


Then my brother Brian said that 3% of the world actually can lick their elbow... Is this for real? There is no way! Unless someone has a really short upper arm? Or a freakishly long tongue? Even a freakishly long neck would help? I am so confused how this happens. 

Raise your hand if you can lick your elbow!
(and then tell me your secret!!)


i'll kill her

I found something new to love today! I have listened to this song at least 37 times in the last 2 1/2 hours. 

Yes, it's THAT good.

Some think this song is creepy, some think it's dumb, but some people love it.
Clearly I am a lover.

Which category do you fall into?



"Everyone was doing it, everyone!                                   
                               ...All I'm asking for is to feel butterflies again."

Although this song was likely not written about jumping off a cliff, it worked for me. Yes, everyone was doing it and I definitely felt butterflies... Just the ones that come when I think I might die...

If you look closely to the left of us you will see some of the cliffs we jumped... 
Playing in the sun & doing crazy stuff. 
Couldn't have asked for a better day.


that's embarrassing

"If you want someone to stay,
grab their foot not their hand"

Don't mind if I do.